A torrent of mud and lava that hardened into a soft tufa that preserved many of the wooden parts of houses.

When the catastrophe of 79 A.D. occurred, Herculaneum was submerged under a torrent of mud and lava that hardened into a soft tufa that preserved many of the wooden parts of houses and household objects which can be seen today. A large part of the town is still buried, and certainly many art treasures are still to be found. Return to Sorrento in the afternoon.

Pompeii, currently a fascinating tourist sight, was buried during the 79 A.D. eruption of Mount Vesuvius; the town, high on the list of the Wonders of the World, began being excavated during the 18th century and works are still ongoing.
Our guide will lead you through some of the ancient streets of Pompeii to show you Baths, Forums and Villas built by the Romans in the year 80 B.C. Marvel at the fabulously preserved Frescoes which adorned the walls and floors of the Villas. This archaeological site cannot fail to impress you.
Info & Costs
Per Person: € 56,00
Entrance Fees: € 13,00 Pompeii
Entrance Fees: € 11,00 Herculaneum
Type: Group